DALLAS, June 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cooper Wellness Strategies, a Cooper Aerobics company, and Welld Health announce a strategic partnership to position health and wellness centers as an essential part of chronic disease management and prevention. This partnership allows facilities administering Cooper® Tracks to incorporate the Welld Health workflows and reporting engines to track referrals, enrollments, biometrics, screenings and surveys, all in a HIPAA secure platform. Current Cooper clients using this platform are companies based in Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey and Texas. For more information, visit cooperwellness.com or call 972.560.3263.
The Welld Health platform provides data collection via pre-configured forms, simplifying communication between the instructors, participants and the physicians with template letters which are easily produced and modified. Workflows and powerful reporting engines ensure data is collected with scientific integrity to facilitate national-to-local level health outcomes reporting.
“Welld Health has a proven track record of working with health care organizations and fitness centers throughout the United States,” said David Evans, Vice President of Cooper Wellness Strategies. “We value their experience and expertise to automate our Cooper Tracks reporting and at the same time add quality programs for Welld clients—so it’s a win-win.”
Cooper® Tracks is an exercise and educational program designed to guide and support individuals with chronic health conditions, or who are deconditioned, learn how to exercise safely, increase their confidence and develop habits to live healthier. Cooper® Tracks programming provides a comprehensive approach to wellness. Cooper Tracks includes four chronic disease tracks: cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes and arthritis and two prevention tracks: well-being and immunity/reconditioning.
“With the launch of this partnership, existing and prospective Welld Health clients running Cooper Tracks can easily operationalize their program reporting needs—to focus on what matters most—wellness,” states Chris Craytor, CEO of Welld Health. “We weave in wearable metrics, smart equipment data and gym visits to complement Cooper Tracks comprehensive health outcome reporting.”
About Welld Health
Welld's mission is to enable customers to responsibly use protected health data to improve their members’ lives. The health data generated by gyms, YMCAs and local community-based organizations is incredibly valuable and important to protect. Welld has dozens of proven pathways for customers to monetize data collection—including membership conversion for chronic care programs, strategic prospects from medical referrals and reimbursement for check-in activity. Welld Health was founded in 2018 and is based in Charlottesville, VA. For more information, visit welldhealth.com.
About Cooper Aerobics
Cooper Aerobics in Dallas serves as the headquarters for six health and wellness companies and a research and education nonprofit, The Cooper Institute® 501(c)(3), founded in 1970 by Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH. Cooper Aerobics is the health and wellness resource that bases its recommendations on its world-leading body of data and expertise. Through the array of services Cooper offers under the leadership of President and CEO Tyler C. Cooper, MD, MPH, millions have been inspired to make good health a habit, helping improve their quality and quantity of life. Since 1995, Cooper Wellness Strategies has helped build healthier communities across the United States by providing its services to medical and commercial fitness centers and residential and senior living communities. For more information, call 866.906.2667 (COOP) or visit cooperaerobics.com. Follow the Cooper Aerobics Facebook page or Instagram account for updates.
Media Contact:
Pam Czerlinsky, Cooper Aerobics